05 | Darkest Night, Brightest Hope
Episode Overview As we approach the longest night of the year, join host Tegan Lleuad for a special exploration of humanity's enduring relationship with the winter solstice. From ancient stone…
Episode Overview As we approach the longest night of the year, join host Tegan Lleuad for a special exploration of humanity's enduring relationship with the winter solstice. From ancient stone…
Episode Overview Join host Tegan Lleuad as she explores what really happens in that moment when magical Will meets quantum possibility. Learn practical techniques for working with probability rather than…
Episode Overview When Max Planck declared "consciousness is fundamental," he might not have realized he was providing a scientific framework for understanding sacred space. Join host Tegan Lleuad as she…
Episode OverviewIn this episode, we explore the fascinating intersection of psychological shadow work, quantum observation, and mirror magic. What happens when we look in a mirror and barely recognize ourselves?…
Episode OverviewFrom Schrödinger’s famous cat to modern laboratory experiments, discover how consciousness shapes reality. We’ll explore the measurable effects of intention, from the molecular level to quantum fields. Learn how…
Episode OverviewJoin host Tegan Lleuad for the inaugural episode of Synapse & Shadows, where we explore the fascinating intersections between psychology, quantum physics, and witchcraft. This introduction sets the foundation…